Choosing a Career While in High School

Have you ever taken a career test? They often ask you many things about what you are good at and what you like to do in order to help you figure out what career you could do for the rest of your life. Do you know what you want to do for the rest of your life? Some people have known since they were little what they wanted to be when they grew up, some realize it a little later in middle school or high school, and others still do not know for sure even after they graduate college.

It is not required of you to decide on your career while you are in high school. Some high school students feel that they should know by then so they choose something that might sound good, pursue it in college, and end up not liking it or wanting to do it. That means almost an entire college degree down the drain. If you wanted to change majors you could at least not have to retake the core courses, but it would still be a waste of about 2 years or more.

What can you do while you are in high school to prepare for your future career? As far as your career goes, the best thing to do in college is explore. For example, if you are interested in science, explore different science careers. Talk with your teachers and your guidance counselor about possible career paths in science. If you decide you are interested in medicine, look for people in medicine you may know and ask them questions. Ask if you can shadow them in practice to see how you like it. If you discover it is not for you, you will not have to worry about having wasted that time. You looked into it, figured out you do not like, and now you can move on.

If you are not sure where to even start, think about what you like to do. Are you artistic? Are you outgoing? Are you good in math, science, or English? Do you like to work with people? Do you like kids? Do you want to make a lot of money? Do you mind working a lot of hours? Do you want to do something flexible? Will you ever want to start a family? All of these things should be taken into account when you start looking into your career. If you take a job with a 70 hour a week commitment, you might find it conflicting with the family you want to have. Look into everything for ideas and for reasons to do or not to do something.

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