Estimating And Scheduling Construction Work

Construction work is a serious endeavor with millions in costs and more if large-scale. While in progress, each minute is tantamount to spending thousands of dollars so estimating and scheduling work is of the utmost importance and for many reasons. Constructing a house or a mall, the duration of the project has to be estimated so that resources and budgets are not exceeded causing huge loss of money. Starting from pre-construction time, certain tasks called scheduling need to be performed prior to the actual physical execution of the work. Scheduling establishes the relationship of a task to the time it would take to complete.

Creating a Construction Schedule

The most accurate schedule is one where the input is received from everyone involved in the process. Communication and coordination of the team are key elements of a precise construction scheduling. Meetings must be attended and the collection of information are top priorities for accurate measurements. Every team player has to know the other and it is these same members who collectively play roles and collate information that would help with:

  • Create lists that start from the beginning of work like demolition or groundworks up till the fitting of light bulbs.
  • Determining how long it would take these individual tasks to complete need to be estimated as well, without ignoring lead-in times for the material to arrive.
  • Noting down and listing of all administrative tasks like material selections, drawings and designing, budget preparations and contract awarding along with the duration of time these would take.
  • Establishment of the order in which the activities will be executed. Tasks are usually scheduled one after the other in a sequence that makes sense. for example, only when the walls are finished, paint is applied. But it's not uncommon for some tasks to run alongside. Some even separate activities according to trade contractor.
  • Input from supplier, vendors, and contractors are also required to make the schedule realistic and actual.

The final schedule once formed must be approved by all parties to ensure that it's in accordance with the information provided. Once satisfaction is received and durations are confirmed, the signed copy of the schedule can even be used as a part of the contract.

The above are tips and recommendations that can help with, for example, working on home renovations and any minor construction work. There are also applications and software available in the market for construction scheduling for self-help enthusiasts who may want to save a buck without hiring professional help.

The Quantity Surveyor

Although professional help is not necessarily required for small-scale personal construction, as stated above, but for large-scale, its imperative. This is the person who is responsible for the cost estimates. Quantity surveyors provide owners with details and information regarding all costs and create schedules for the work and all processes involved. They manage finances, budgets, production, dispute resolutions, and even insurance.

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