Beware of Fake Designer Clothing and Fashion Accessories

The selling of fake or counterfeit designer clothing and fashion accessories online is a booming business and more and more people are finding out the hard way that that it is easy to get riped off when trying to save some money when buying designer clothes and fashion accessories online . To start with, if the deal seems just too good to be real then it most likely is.

Fake designer goods are automatically without exception inferior products, so if you intentionally buy knock off designer products then you have no right to complain when you finally see what you get. Cheap fabrics, crooked stitching, glue blobs on sneakers and buttons that quickly fall off are standard on fake designer products.

The real tragedy of course, is when someone pays good money for a designer product and an inferior counterfeit product arrives at their door step. They so many times have no recourse either, because it was shipped from some obscure Asian country where counterfeiting is a crime that is only winked at.

This is why you should always check your source before you hand over your money. Many Asian countries are literally flooded with counterfeit products, so you should always avoid buying high end designer products that are shipped from them. Also, it is now a legal requirement that all websites have full contact information listed on them.

If they do not have all of the required contact information listed then there is an obvious reason why. A legitimate dealer will always have contact information listed, so clients can easily get in touch with them. An unscrupulous dealer on the other hand, will not list it, because when a client contacts them it is always to complain and to try to get a refund.

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