Perfumery Science Kit Product Review

I recently bought this Perfumery Science Kit for my daughter and what a delight it is. If you are looking for a great science project for your school age kids, I highly recommend Perfumery Science Kit. This kit is for children from age six and up. So what is Perfumery all about? Perfumery is about science like being in a chemistry lab. Remember that this project strictly requires adult supervision because we are dealing with chemicals that can irritate your eyes or skin. The instructions that came with the product were awesome. For anyone who does not know anything about perfumery, this project is a great start to learn about fragrances and aromatherapy.

The science project transformed my kitchen into a mini laboratory with two enthusiistic budding scientists making great discoveries together. My daughter and I both pretended that we are now a scientist and we need to make sure we follow the rules as stated in the packet. The great thing about this project is that it strengthens my bonding with my daughter because it encourages collaboration, insights, and opinions with one another.

So what did we learn while playing with Perfumery is the part that I am very excited to share with you? The first activity on our project is learning the mystery of fragrances. We each close our eyes and sniff the vial one by one trying to guess the scent. Mind you that even on day three we could hardly guess everything correctly. The one thing we added on this activity side from waiting for five minutes before smelling another vial was to sniff our coffee beans to neutralize our nose senses.

The next activity involves learning our fragrances. What we did was close our eyes again and started to associate each fragment into something to help us remember a particular scent. My daughter compares the apple scent into a cinnamon, heliotrope scent into a flower, jasmine scent into a sweet flower, lily of the valley scent into a dessert, and peppermint scent into a round mint candy. On my part, I compare apple scent into just plain apple, which is not very effective in remembering the fragrance when I tried to quiz myself later on. The heliotrope smells like a flower just like what my daughter described. The jasmine has a very sweet flowery fragrance as well, now I am in trouble since they practically all smell so nice and it is hard to make a distinction. The lily of the valley has a hint of a powdery smell of something very old. The peppermint reminded me of pine trees. As you can see from this project that we did not come up with the same analogy on our fragrance scents.

To make this short and sweet, we learned how to make the Cleopatra's secret fragrance and Napoleon's spotted gloves. We also made our own own concoctions of perfume after doing the aromatherapy test. The science of aromatherapy is about learning how one scent affects our feelings. My daughter stated that apple and peppermint scents made her happy and that is how we customize our perfumes base on aromatherapy.

What other interesting tidbits we learned while having fun playing? We learned that just a quick sniff of peppermint could increase your chance of answering test questions correctly, which is great for kids that are back in school. The heliotrope can help calm or soothe someone down. This is funny because my daughter said to me to use the heliotrope on my son every time he is cranky. There are so many practical uses of learning perfumery. I can not wait to try the garden treasures activity since I am still waiting for my great smelling hybrid rose bush to bloom again. We also have not tried the taste of smell activity yet. This is also a great way to make affordable homemade gifts by making perfumes for other people. Other practical skills that you can do including making your own air freshener and fragrant baths at home. Learning while having fun is what Perfumery is really all about.

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