Iridology and Nutrition, Iridology Analysis As an Indicator of a Successful Healing Process

The holistic model of medicine cannot be imagined without iridology and nutrition. In fact, iridology and nutrition are heavily interrelated and complement each other.

When iridology analysis reveals inherent weakness in the digestive system or toxicity in elimination organs, it precisely means that the body’s nutrition is suffering. On the other hand, iridology analysis when provided after the prescribed nutrition program allows to assess the success of this program and to understand what else this patient needs to do to bring his mind and body back to balance.

Detoxification is a key process linking iridology and nutrition together. Successful detoxification program dramatically improves nutrition and iridology analysis could be a measure of this success. It also could be the other way around. Iridology analysis can help to understand what kind of nutritional requirements the body needs and based on this knowledge, a doctor can develop a proper nutritional program to correct the nutritional deficiencies of the patient.

There are three important zones in irises that we need to analyze to assess the nutrition level of the body. The first one is the humoral or assimilation zone. This zone situated just outside the digestive reflexes and gives valuable information about the normalcy or pathology of the digestive process, specifically about how food is transported and distributed. Any congestive signs in this zone could affect digestion and absorption, in turn affecting nutrition.

The second important iris zone in nutrition assessment is the utilization zone. This zone shows the distribution and use of the nutrients inside of the body. Here all nutrients are put to use for all major organs. Any signs of blockage and congestion point out the disruptions of this gentle process and ultimately suggest poor nutrition.

And the third iris zone we need to analyze for nutritional assessment is, of course, the elimination zone, which includes the skin and the lymphatic system. The analysis of this zone shows how effectively and quickly the body system can eliminate toxins, residues, and metabolic waste. Any signs of weakness in this area also point to trouble with the body’s nutrition.

An essential part of body nutrition is mental nutrition. Lack of stress, good sleep, and a good work-life balance promote good mental nutrition. Iridology analysis can assess mental nutrition by signs of stress (like stress rings, impediments of nerve wreath, etc.) and show signs of weakness in the brain area. And this knowledge could help to prescribe proper nutrition program for a specific patient.

To summarize, just as nutrition proves the value of iridology, iridology proves the value of nutrition.

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