Make Dry Ice Blasting Your Small Business Opportunity

What is dry ice blasting? Dry ice blasting is a form of abrasive blasting industrial cleaning that uses a solid form of carbon dioxide known as dry ice. Pellets or ice is shot through pressurized air stream of either one hose or two hose machines.

Which system is best? Most systems today are the single hose technology. Technology using the single hose was created by the Cold Jet company in 1986. One advantage of the single hose system is that it avoids the possible dangers of a pressurized hopper by the use of a quick cycle airlock. Another advantage of the single hose system is that it has more power and you can use a longer hose.

Making massive money! There are many ways to make money cleaning with dry ice. Many people prefer dry ice blasting for paint removal, because it is less harsh than sand blasting. Another great business opportunity is to clean food processing equipment. Because it can decontaminate surfaces that could contain salmonella and e. Coli. Dry ice can clean without residue so the environmental protection agency prefers it to many kinds of solvent based cleaners. The aerospace industry also uses dry ice blasting to sensitive equipment like clean semiconductors. Manufacturers are also a great business opportunity because cleaning with cold can be used for maintaining their equipment and can drastically reduce their down time.

The freeze jet is just one of several different types of dry ice blasting equipment. For around $3,000 you can usually purchase a dry ice blasting machine.

What about safety? How safe is this type of industrial cleaning? Cleaning with cold (normal pressure is -78 c(-108 f) can be toxic if the concentration is over 1%. Asphyxia can be caused because of oxygen removal so dry ice must be used in a well ventilated area.

Safety Equipment: Typical safety equipment will include a positive pressure blast hood or helmet. Air hoses are attached to a grade D pressurized air supply, which is mandated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Also using ear plugs for hearing protection is part of the usual safety equipment. Body protection usually includes gloves and overalls as well as a leather coat and chaps.

What fees can I charge? How much money can I make in this industrial cleaning business? Total typical fees can range in the $300.00 per hour range, so it can be one of the more lucrative types of industrial cleaning.

The Benefits of Dry Ice Blasting: This type of industrial Cleaning meets EPA, USDA, and FDA guidelines. Has less clean up of the waste material. Extends the life of the equipment. Cleans more thoroughly. Reduces or eliminates equipment damage. Provides a safer cleaning environment. Is Non-polluting and environmental friendly. Can destroy and eliminate bacterial and fungal growth.

How can I get started? You can get started with your small business by beginning with a business plan. A business plan is a formal statement of business goals, reasons they are attainable, and plans for reaching them. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals. It should also contain a good marketing plan. Then apply for small business government grants or small business loans, so you can purchase equipment.

Having your own business can help you to end money worries. Having a business plan is essential to having a successful small business. Knowing how to market your small business for little or no money is an important key to your business success as well. Imagine how much more profit you can have when you don’t have to budget much on advertising.

Get colossal cash from government contracts. Companies interested in selling their products and services to the federal government (the United States General Services Administration) can prepare by fulfilling applicable requirements, and registering in the appropriate systems. Companies may also participate by seeking sub-contracting opportunities with current contract holders. The General Services Administration provides and contracts for Billions of dollars’ worth of products and services for federal agencies.

In summary dry ice blasting can be an extremely profitable business and helps with the environment as well.

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