How to Make State-of-the-Art Video Singles Cheaply

When it comes to promoting their new music releases, I have

found that most musicians only consider radio as the vehicle

for exposing their music to the public.

Rarely do they consider publicity, in the form of print media,

i.e., music magazines, weekly arts and entertainment

publications and newspapers as support tools to help support

their radio airplay (another subject I shall address shortly).

But, even rarer, is their consideration of the importance of

having videos for their singles. A video of your single, which

was once considered an optional luxury, is now a standard,

vital and necessary tool if you are going to compete with

fellow independent recording artists for media and consumer


And, a video is even more important if you are going to

compete with major label artists. In fact, since having a video

for your single, particularly, your very first single from a new

release, is so vitally important, why would you even release a

recording without one in today’s music climate?

To me, that is like a soldier going to war with only a handgun

while leaving his automatic weapon behind in his barracks.

But, perhaps, in your mind, you believe that it is still very

expensive to produce videos for your singles. Even more,

while you are likely an expert on producing music, you

probably feel like an amateur when it comes to video

production. However, that need not be the case any longer.

So, I am going to show you a no-brainer approach to easily

getting a video produced for, at least, your first single from

your new release, if not all of your singles.

* Steps to Getting Your Video Singles Produced Cheaply *

1. After you have your mastered soundtrack, and have

selected your first single, you should then contact an area

college, university or art institute.

2. Tell the school’s administration department that you need

to get in touch with its “broadcast journalism” department.

3. When you reach the broadcast journalism department,

ask to speak to an “advisor” or “department head.”

4. Tell the advisor or department head that you are an artist

interested in getting a music video produced, and that you

would like to be put in touch with either a senior student or

graduate student who is majoring in broadcast journalism

with, perhaps, a concentration on “production” or “direction.”

You may also want to stress your preference for a student

who has experience with having produced music videos

already. Depending on the size of the school, there will likely

be several highly qualified student candidates.

In most cases, you will find video producers or directors who

will want to work from a script, which includes a story line, for

your video single. If that is the case, and you are in need of

a script, I would like to direct you to, which can

produce a video script from your single. See the below link:


You can also see a sample video script that I created for a

client at the below link.


5. As for the low cost of getting broadcast journalism

students to produce your video, in quite a few cases, these

particular students are already in need of videos for their

class projects, and yours just may be the one that will pique

their interest. This is a no-cost method, and you will often

need to arrange this setup one semester in advance.

In other cases, students may either own their film equipment,

or be able to borrow school equipment for production. And,

in this case, there may be nominal charges, however, these

charges will be very affordable.

The best thing about this particular scenario is that, while you

will get the best production knowledge from the student, as

well as your video produced with the latest technology, you

cannot be charged commercial rates, such as if you used a

videographer or related service that officially operated in a

commercial status.

But, perhaps, the best thing about this avenue to take for

producing your video singles is that, not only will you be

able to bring your marketing and artist status up a notch by

having a video, you will now also have another product that

can be used two-fold:

1. For further promotion of your single

2. Able to sell another product on online music sales

sites as well as in retail outlets.

In some cases, you may also wish to offer it as a package

deal with your CD. Additionally, why not go a step farther

by incorporating it within your CD, placing it on DVD, as

well as making it available on video cassette for retailers

and consumer?

Note: Depending on the extensiveness of your production,

most videos can be produced and edited within two

weeks, if not sooner.

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