Category: Entertainment

Online Casino Games Galore!

Casinos are a place where in you can feature the highest quality gambling activities and its emergence has made online casinos a very realistic term. Now you can feature high quality casino games...

Publishing And Digital And Electronic Rights

The following publishing industry article addresses some of the legal issues arising for publishing lawyers, entertainment attorneys, authors, and others as a result of the prevalence of e-mail, the Internet, and so-called “digital”...

Buying Art

Everyone buys art from time to time, some pay large amounts of money for original artwork – more people buy cheap forms of the arts on-line or at their local market. But regardless...

Martial Arts and ADD-ADHD

I have practiced the martial arts for almost 35 years. In that time I received many useful lessons – self-defense, discipline, compassion, teamwork, humility and self-confidence among them. I've also learned some not...

Different World Views of Art

Art through the centuries acquired different forms and conceptions. First of all there was naturalism, then developed romanticism, and then there was impressionism, followed by cubism, which was followed by surrealism and finally...