Category: Entertainment

Wedgie Dares

Recess at school or playing with your friends doesn’t have to be boring. No longer do you have to do the same thing every day or agonize over what to do. We’ve put...

The Cost Of The Virtual!

Emboldened by his earlier encouraging experiences with the banking hawks Mr Thames Pond decided to carry on from there. He took a pledge to meet any call from any credit card or banking...

The Real Art of Selling

Selling is a process where some form of business is transacted. In the olden days, there was barter trade, where items of mutual interests were exchanged, but today, selling usually involves monetary units...

Real vs. Virtual

"Humpty dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty dumpty had a great fall … " BANG! And little Rimi cuts her knee. The four-year-old was jumping from the stairs to the landing with those...