Category: Entertainment

Can I Have Your Autograph?

Being a celebrity means dealing with fan demands for autographs, ranging from polite and appropriate to rude and overbearing. One time Katherine Hepburn was performing on Broadway and tried to exit backstage through...

Five Foreign Film Favorites

Are you curious about classic cinema outside the golden gates of Hollywood? Would you like to see well established critically acclaimed films that influenced many of the great current-working directors such as Woody...

Warehouse Artist Studios

An artist/bohemian type working for themselves is perceived in a variety of ways by the general public. A lot of the perception has to do with a combination of the artist’s cashflow and...

Why Do You Want To Act?

Have you ever stopped to consider why you want to act? I can’t truly say that there are right and wrong reasons to pursue a career in acting, but the question is worth...

Weekly Review: SAO Abridged

Hello, and welcome back to another week of anime! This week we are taking a look at the YouTube sensation Sword Art Online: Abridged. The parody is produced by a group of individuals...

Asian Gambling Basics

Gambling became popular in China in the last phase of the imperial dynasty i.e. from 1644 to 1912. Canton, Macao, Shanghai and Hong Kong became the famous for their liquor and gambling. These...

Connective Thinking – Creativity Techniques

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein Imagination and creativity are two interrelated terms, the former leads to the latter. The etymological root of the...