Category: Health

Top Five Supplements for Bodybuilding

When it comes to bodybuilding or building muscles in general, our body is often limited by our nutrition. And regardless of how hard we train, sometimes we just can’t make any progress as...

Workstation Health and Fitness Solutions For RSI

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is now a major industrial disease affecting millions of people around the world. RSI includes conditions such as carpel tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis and tendinitis – often collectively referred to...

USASF Rules and The Cheerleading Worlds

The USASF (United States All Star Federation) is the largest company that sets out all of the rules and regulations for All-Star Cheerleading. Each year they come out with new rules – some...

Three Big Reasons to Exercise

Patients often ask me, "Why should I exercise?" Although there are numerous benefits to regular exercise, these benefits easily fit into three categories, which I call PMP: (1) Physiological (2) Musculoskeletal and (3)...