Category: Health

Driving To Your Goals

Every time you get in your car to go anywhere, you are working on achieving a goal. There is somewhere you want to be, so you take action to get there. The three...

The Ultimate Magic Garden

Spring is the season to start planting seeds for the future. For me, the ultimate Magic Garden would be planted using the Feng Shui bagua as a guideline for the boundaries of the...

Trampolines and Outdoor Toys

When you think of toys for children, people generally think of a games console, remote control cars or maybe dolls. Due to the bad weather in the UK, this is not surprising but...

7 Fall Activities for Fitness and Fun

With gorgeous foliage and cooler temperatures, fall is the perfect season for outdoor activities. There’s something invigorating about a breezy fall afternoon that quite simply revives the soul. If you’re looking for ideas...

Mom & Dad Fitness: Top 10 Exercises

Congratulations on getting a new bundle of joy, or maybe it is your second or your little one is now a toddler. Chances are fitness doesn’t top the list of priorities when you...

The 5 Best Fitness Tips

Make a fitness goal Only people who get to their destination are those with the defined target from the start. When you do not have a definite goal in mind, there is the...

Yoga, Diet, & Fitness – How Do They Relate?

In today's society health and fitness is a primary concern. Obesity is growing at an alarming rate, especially within the younger population. Everywhere you turn there are offers and suggestions on how to...