Category: Sports

Red Wing Boots: Wearing Them With Jeans

Red Wing shoes can be worn with jeans, in fact it is actively encouraged! Boot-cut style jeans look the best as their slightly flared bottoms give plenty of space to comfortably fit over...

Different Types of Sports

Football Football is a very popular competitive team sport. The object of this game is to score more points than the other team. You can score points various ways like carrying the ball...

Memories of Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf

Televised golf has had many high moments over the years, but in my opinion none better than that outstanding production, Shell’s Wonderful World Of Golf. The program didn’t invent the format, but it...

How to Train For Baseball With a Bow Flex

Bow Flex has created an extensive line of home exercise equipment. They have complete home gyms; tread climbers and even free weights. All of these have a place in a good overall workout...

5 Things Cuba is Famous For

What’s all the fuss about cuba? What’s this tiny little island just a few hundred miles of the coast of Florida famous for? You might be surprise… The cigars, the rum, the women,...