Category: Sports
Parachuting Is Fun
What is the parachute? Nothing more than a thin, lightweight fabric, supported by tapes and suspension lines and attached to one’s body by special strong shoulder and waist straps, called risers, once manufactured...
Super Bowl Party Ideas for Both Football Fans and Those Who Just Like the Commercials
Once baseball's World Series defined America's competitive nature but today the Super Bowl and football have taken center stage. Times change and although major league baseball players are not yet in bread lines...
NFL Football Party Buffet With Some Quick Pick Up Menu Ideas
An NFL Football party is a sure thing when you've got all the right foods on your buffet. You can theme your buffet hanging on which teams are playing in the game you'll...
Youth Football Plays – Passing the Ball
Many youth football plays are designed to be simple so that the young kids on the field will not have too much to think about. Most of the plays try to limit the...
Flower Pick-Up Lines That Work (or Not)
Have you ever wondered why you still spend night after night with pizza and whatever it was on TV? You think that life doesn’t get better than that. True, enough. But, have you...
Freestyle Football is Trendy Nowadays, But How and Where It Evolved?
In this day and age, we often see freestylers perform ridiculous and yet amazing tricks and moves not only on TV advertisement but on the internet as well. Whenever I play footy with...
Mobsters – George Appo – The Most Famous Pickpocket in the History of New York City
His father was a crazed Chinese murderer, and his mother – an Irish alcoholic. In spite of his lack of proper family upbringing, George Appo’s mission in life was to be the quintessential...
Kevin Keegan Lights Up English Football
January see the window open to allow mid-season transfers, and it's typically a time when the sportspapers are full of which player is going where. In 2008 though, the news is all about...
Best Online Sports Betting Strategy That You Must Know
Some of the best online sports betting betting on good sports betting systems that will help you make wise wagering decisions. Do not put too much faith in gambling systems that claim to...