Review of ‘Your Property Club’

Recently whilst surfing the web I came across a website ‘Your Property Club’ which looks interesting. And no doubt, like most of us you I too flit from page to page looking for something which grabs my attention.

The site layout is very professional and there’s lots of useful content and advice for anyone looking to buy investment property. What they have achieved is a very credible website; it is in actual fact a membership site which ultimately is looking to source properties for its members and therefore creates income.

This is not a criticism as there are plenty of armchair investors out there who either hasn’t got the skills, time or inclination to source their own buy to let properties and for this privilege they’ll pay a fee which is fine.

In this particular case what got my attention was the prospect to download their software ‘Ezytrac’.

What the site is offering is a property spreadsheet which will collate all your property and financial data, to assist with buying investment property; this is what I’ve been looking for-awesome!

I had previously created my own basic spreadsheet, which I often update, tweak as the mood takes me. But as a professional investor I am constantly looking for better systems to manage the most important aspect of my business-the finances.

As with most membership sites you enter your e-mail address and create your very own login details, which will then enable you to go and have a look at the software. Unfortunately I was disappointed because you cannot download the software to your own PC as it is hosted by ‘Your Property Club’.

While this may not be an issue for other property investors, I would not be comfortable uploading all my personal data and trusting it onto someone else’s server.

One of my major concerns being that this is confidential and private information for my business, which all of a sudden they would have access to. No doubt this is also used as a marketing tool to try and sell more properties therefore creating a site owners income.

On a positive note Ezytrac is quite easy to follow and comes with a host of video tutorials to take you by the hand to explain its functions.

In conclusion I don’t think that I shall use this particular function but I shall certainly monitor the site and glean from it any information which I can which will be beneficial to my business.

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