Jump Workout Secrets

Is there such a thing as the perfect jump workout ? Well, no, but in their relentless pursuit of a few more inches on their next awe-inspiring, gravity-defying vertical leap to the hoop, many basketball players (and other athletes) incorporate a few fundamental ideas in their workout routines that have them flying ever higher and ever farther against their competition.

If you're considering developing a jump workout to add some inches to your game, it's certainly helpful to remember some basic realities before starting out. Keep in mind that each athlete is unique, and that every baller has his or her own distinct style of physically leaping. A jump workout for your on-the-court hero is almost certainly not necessarily the ideal jump workout for you.

Although it should go without saying, it also certainly bears repeating that one sure-fire way to invite physical problems into your quest would be to over-exercise. You never want to push yourself beyond your physical limits – no matter what stage of physical development you might be in. Doing so always constitutes a risk of injury, and all that does is push an already slowly-obtained goal back even further.

And there's never a need to rep the same exercise routine a thousand times. Instead, settle on a number in the vicinity of 75 to 100. What's more, you can effectively improve your vertical leap by working out as little as three times a week, averaging an hour a pop.

One effective type of rep for any jump workout is known as the plyometric exercise. An internet search on this topic will yield plenty of ideas in the way of developing an effective jump workout routine.

A current template (if you will) for a jump workout, that's customizeable for your particular physical needs and realities, is known as the Jump Manual. It's been successful enough to have been featured in leading sports publications, such as Sports Illustrated.

The important thing to remember in following guidelines such as these is consistency. Your hard work is contributing towards your ultimate goal of leaping just a little bit higher and a little bit farther – separating you from your competition. Consistency, with a comfortable, structured exercise regimen that builds the muscles necessary to increase your vertical leap, is really all the edge you need come gameday. With a little consistency and perseverance, you'll be flying like MJ himself in no time!

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