Teaching Financial Education is Critical and Primary Schools and Colleges Are not Doing It
What you are desperate to know NOW that you should have learned in school and college can be learned. Do you know how to have your money work for you? Or are you like 99.9% of the country / world and only know how to work for your money. I used to think that working for money and having a high paying job was good since that was all I learned in school and college. Teaching financial education is so important, especially today, and more financial literacy articles are needed. Now, thanks to Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best selling book, Rich Dad Poor Dad and many other related books, I know that what I learned in school will not make me rich.
Schools, unfortunately, do not see the significance of financial literacy for teens and children. Also, thanks to Robert's ability to open my mind, I now know I have to be rich to enjoy financial freedom. Everyone who exports enough effort will have financial freedom as their reward, and it is possible for anyone. Robert has taught me that I must educate myself to learn how to make my money work for me and create financial freedom.
When all our focus and efforts are on our job, we are helping our employers to become rich, but we are doing nothing to make ourselves rich. It is imperative that we focus first on our own financial education that will lead to our financial freedom. The ability to have our money work for us by acquiring income-producing assets is the most important financial skill, and we all will have to educate ourselves on this critical point. Educating ourselves is not as difficult as you might think. There are numerous financial literacy resources available; you just need to search for them.