Time Management And Internet Marketing
Are you working at creating your income from home by internet marketing?
If you are like me you will find it easy to be distracted. I sit in front of my computer trying to work and suddenly I get an email. Now curiosity gets the better of me and I have a look. Next thing I find I've spent an hour or more just surfing the internet looking at interesting things. This does not make any money.
Have you found yourself distracted? It's easy is not it? How do you get control? Here are some pointers that you may find useful in controlling the use of your time.
Your Mindset
Firstly you need to see your marketing as WORK. You are in the serious business of making a living and conducting a business.
One thing you need is a place where you can work and concentrate on what you are doing. So your environment must be conducive to working.
Make a Plan and Work the Plan
Next you must have a plan of what you want to achieve. Some of your work may need to be sent in creation of products. You also need to spend time communicating with customer enquiries. What I have found useful is to allocate time for each daily task.
In my last 2 articles I deal with creating an opt-in list. I also pointed out that this will remain part of your work as long as you are in business. So what I would do is spend 2 hours each day in tasks that will help to build up my opt-in list. You've heard it said that the money is in the list. Your business is about making money. You need to work out what things you need to do each day to reach your goal of making money.
To manage your time, ask yourself what things you need to accomplish each day to do this. Now you need to set an amount of time besides to accomplish that task. Do not get distracted. Once the time is up go to the next task on your list. If there are some tasks that are not completed in the time allocated to it go back later when you have finished the other tasks you set out to accomplish.
Take Time Out
There is one caution I need to mention here. Do not load yourself down to such a degree that you loose your enjoyment. You must enjoy what you are doing. If you do not you may as well stay in the day job you hate.There will be times we do not feel like doing anything. We're only human. Even so force yourself to accomplish your tasks. You will feel better for doing so.
Does this mean we can not take any time off? That we become workaholics? No you have control. Just do not beg off because you do not feel like it today. Take time off! But do it because you have planned for it. It's OK to reward yourself.
In Summery
In a nutshell. Set your priorities. Have your day planned out as to what you will do a certain times. This means that when you start work each day you know what you will be doing. You will not need to spend time thinking about what you will do today. You have it all planned out.
If you do this you will find that you will accomplish much more each day. Because you have set your priorities, you have worked out what things need to be done to create an income and you have prioritized them, you will find the income will follow.