Internet Marketing Media Madness

Why is internet marketing so great? What makes the internet unique from all the other technologies that came before it, like the Printing Press (Newspapers / Books), Radio, TV or Telephone?

The Internet literally combines almost all the great communications technologies of the past! And does it cheaper, and with a wider reach. It connects the world at a low cost that everyone can afford. And with new web technologies makes it easy!

Take for instance the Printing Press, after it's invention by Gutenberg in 1439, it taught books and information to people's doorsteps at an affordable price. These days people can go online for free and have almost all the knowledge and information of the world at their fingertips.

Radiorought music and news and bought information delivery to new dimension. People for the first time heard what's updated and know in real-time the important issues of the day. The internet is brought the music of the world to anyone who can find it online or willing to pay for it. At a push of a few mouse buttons anyone can listen to anything.

TV like the radio bought information delivery or media to even greater heights. People get to see what's going on with the world. Most people believed that we could not get to a higher realm of media then television. The internet has put video delivery to a new plateau. Now people can have access on demand almost all the great video works in the world. They also get to interact with the video and other viewers as well.

The telephone let people communicate, but the internet has open this up to world. It's never been so cheap to talk to someone half way around the world. You can communicate through text, voice or video.

If marketing is about controlling media delivery, the internet is the ultimate transporter of media. It can take any shape form or size, and can be as interactive as you want it to be. We are still in the beginning of this golden age where the internet will rule all media.

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