Four Requirements in Email Marketing

The prevalent use of email marketing has made it seem so easy. What can be hard about writing an email and clicking on send? In reality however, it can be a tricky business. There are rules you have to follow lest you get blacklisted by major email servers worldwide. Likewise, you need to devise your email campaign creatively and effectively. It is useless to get into email marketing if you do not get anything from it. As in all marketing campaigns, have a goal first and then determine if marketing via email can help you achieve it.

When you do decide to use email marketing to sell your product, take to heart these basic requirements. Following these can help ease the process along.

1. Have a measurable goal: This is, of course, one of the first requirements you need to have before anything else. Goals can help you determine how effective the marketing method is for your business. Say your goal is to increase online signups, you can measure this by the amount of click-thrus your email generates against the online signups during the campaign period. If say, your goal is to increase your walk-in clients, then while email marketing can help, print flyers may lead to better results.

2. Have a qualified and clean email list: You ca not just shoot an email blindly to everyone with an email address. That may be considered spamming. The smarter and safer way to do email marketing is to have a targeted audience; that is, a list with people more likely to need your product. Likewise, this list should have made up of people who opted to get emails from you.

If possible, do not purchase ready email lists. This may be made up of unqualified individuals or filled with nonexistent email addresses. An unclean email list can get you in trouble with your ISP. Blast emailing uses up much of your ISPs bandwidth. Here, it should be worth it, with no deluge of returned emails. To begin gathering your email list, have opt-in options on your website and web forms. Do not use sneaky tactics, your audience should know what they are signing up for.

3. Get an email marketing software or service provider: There are many email marketing software available online. For these, you need to download and install into your host server. Most software works even with shared hosting. Another option you can consider is the web emailing services. For these services, you use their online system to manage your email list and html or text mailers. Click-thrus and other reports are also monitored through the online system. The advantage of getting the software is that you will end up using your hosts mailing IP address, which would probably not be on the spamming list. The IP of the third party web mailing service has probably been used by other email marketers. Thus, there is a higher risk of being blacklisted as a spammer.

4. Construct your emails according to the target audience: You need to take time in writing your email. Decide how to word it in such a way that it makes your audience interested in your product. Make effective use of your email marketing efforts.

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