Marketing by Email – Getting and Keeping Subscribers

Remember, the only way e-mail marketing can work is if you have subscribers. If there is a minimal amount of people who get your e-mail, then the chances of your sales being strong is low. If you are looking to increase your subscriber base, you have two options.

– Keep e-mail sign up boxes on every web page.

If you want visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, you do not want them to hunt for that e-mail sign up link. Place it on every single web page you have. If you fail to do this, they may not take the time to look for the link and you lose the business.

– Advertising special offers – available only to newsletter subscribers.

What you offer as a special incentive depends on your business but makes sure visitors to your website know how to become a subscriber. The best place to put this data is next to the special offer advertisement.

Two Tips to Keep Subscribers –

Many webmasters believe the hardest part of e-mail marketing is getting subscribers. However, the actual hardest part is keeping those subscribers. You can lose subscribers if your one e-mail is nothing more than just advertisement. You want to keep those e-mails entertaining. You do not want them to unsubscribe to your advertisment or newsletter. By following the two guidelines below, you can not only get subscribers but keep them.

– Above all else, content is most important. Every e-mail you send out must have unique data inside of it. Make sure the content is related to the business of your site. Do not go off subject or advertise for other businesses in your e-mail.

– Make sure the e-mail you sent can not be considered complete advertisement. While you can include this, it should never be the primary part of your e-mail. In fact, advertisements should not take more than one-fourth of your e-mail.

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