How to Succeed Like an Internet Marketing Guru
Why is it that some people make a few hundred thousand even millions of dollars online in a couple of days time even though the economy is down? Why do they succeed and the rest fail? Are they so different from us? I believe the answer to the previous question is a resounding "No"! They study, they eat, they sleep, and they work just like everyone around us. So what separates them from the crowd and caused them to stand at the top of whatever business they choose to succeed in?
What can we learn from them in order to be successful like them? Below are 5 Lessons that you must master before you can succeed like them.
Lesson # 1: People who fail, choose Failure.
People who fails always choose one of the two ways that they could "fail." They choose to give up and quit. Or they are unwilling to learn from their mistakes.
For those who really succeeded believed that failure was a choice. So they always choose to win.
They liked to test new ideas. They learned from what worked, and what did not. Then they applied those lessons to their next test or idea, and they kept doing this until they got the results that they are satisfied with.
It's normal to get frustrated when things go wrong. It's OK to dwell on it, but this is where it separates the winner and the losers.
Losers will say, "This stuff does not work!" and they scraped the idea totally and go back to their old style of working. When another opportunity comes by, they'll say, "Oh, I've tried this stuff before and it definitely does not work! Do not bother trying it!" That is why they keep failing and failing and failing. They are dwelling on the failures!
Winners will ask, "Well, what did we learn from this?" or "What can we learn from this?" … And, more importantly, "How can we avoid doing it again?"
They firmly believed every costless lesson is going to result in exponentially greater success in the long term. In another word, it's always a blessing in disguised.
And they are always right.
Lesson # 2: Assume always makes an "Ass Out of You and Me."
Winners do not like to accumulate and they have zero respect for people who were always fast to assum. To them, assuming was a mark of laziness. So winners liked to hear nothing but the facts. They do not assume that this is a good idea, or that is a bad idea. They will try out both ideas. And sometimes what they thought originally was a bad idea came out to be a good idea and what they thought was a good idea flopped like a pan cake.
When winners do not know the answer, they will say, "I'll look into it and get back to you."
Losers will give a quick answer like, "I think this might be the answer," or "I assume this is right."
Winners believe that theories, assumptions, and guesses are the enemies of success. They believed that you should either go straight to the source for the answers (even if that means paying thousands of dollars in learning) or test it yourself.
And sometimes you may even need to test the "facts" given by some one else. For example …
… Some of the statistics may be based on flawed data. (Are your data based from a wrong source?)
… The survey that you collected about customer's buying habit last year may have changed drastically. (Are they buying your products for totally DIFFERENT reasons now?)
… And a marketing strategy that you tested and proved to work a month ago may be a complete flop today.
Ask every time before you make decisions. Assume nothing. And test everything.
And do not be afraid of offending someone, even an "expert", by questioning his or her logic. The true experts will applaud you for this. And your questions will expose the petitioners for who they really are: wannabes.
Lesson # 3: Take the opportunities to learn, and take notes.
It would be difficult to calculate exactly how much Winners spent on educational materials alone each year … it will grossly be in the tens of thousands of dollars. But this is also why they are constantly making millions of dollars.
Winners are constantly learning … On airplanes, on holidays, in between meetings, they are absolutely relentless. They would read every business book, article, course, seminar, and marketing campaign that they could get their hands on.
And Winners do not just read material related to Internet marketing; they made it a point to studying OTHER industries, too. Both online AND offline. They are always looking for new strategies and marketing ideas that they could adapt from other industries and apply to their business.
All this constant reading and learning is what frequently spark their "genius" ideas …
But another important key to their success is that they also made TONS of notes about everything they read and kept all their thoughts in a notebook that they'd refer back every month, looking for new and old ideas that applies to their current situation.
That way, even if an idea did not work today, they had a record of it so they could refer back to it sometime in the future where it might work.
They understand that "genius" does not just happen; they need to look for opportunities to learn, and constantly seeking new ways to use what they've Learnt. Sometimes their best ideas will frequently be sparked by new information, or new approaches to old information.
Lesson # 4: Seek out mentors who have successfully achieved what they want to venture in, and follow everything step by step.
Winners firmly believed that if you want to speed up your success, it's critical to learn from those who have gone before you … even if you just have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes.
So Winners are constantly on the look out for teachers and mentors, and asking for their advice whenever he had the opportunity; even if that mean paying hefty consulting fees for their guidance.
Winners believed that you should always learn from the best. Find people who are getting the results YOU want to achieve, and ask them to mentor you.
And never be afraid to ask "great people" for advice … Sometimes they may give you an advice for free.
Winners do not concern themselves with looking dumb. And they never want to have the smartest guy in the room. They are always focused on learning. So they are a student of everything … and almost everyone.
Winners always ask people around him for feedback … What mistakes were they making? How could they improve as a leader? As a marketer? As a business owner? How could they be a better person?
It takes courage to ask the people around you for feedback. But it takes wisdom to openly listen and learn from it.
Lesson # 5: Define what you want in life and works towards making those wants comes alive with passion.
Many failures just let life "happen" to them. They have dreams … but they do not take the time to set GOALS! Why do not they set goals and take action ??
Everyone can be successful if they set their mind to it.
You can learn anything … be anything … do anything.
If you decide that your age, background, and education limit your potential, they will. But if you decide that you can do anything, you will …
Winners believed that they need to set goals that they are excited about, and then take persistent action. That will make their dreams come true.
It's absolutely shocking what ONE step a day … just 10 minutes a day … one hour a day … can accomplish over one month … three months … six months.
Just imagine where YOU would be in six months if you dedicated even 20 minutes a day to working on your business … learning new strategies … or building notes of marketing ideas!
Success is not determined by genetics. It's about persistent, consistent action. And winners got that.
Final Thoughts:
If you have the determination to master the 5 Lessons of the Winners, I am sure you will be successful in whatever you dreamt to succeed in. Here's wishing you the best.