Category: Health

How Water Heals

Water is an essential nutrient. I imagine that most of us probably don’t think of water as a nutrient, but I would suggest that it is possibly one of the most essential nutrients...

The Other White Meat Should Be Dark

The other white meat, chicken. For so many people it's the better meat choice, but not for me. When a nutritionist looks at food, they know color is power. The uninformed prefer to...

Six Ways to Get Your Energy Back

So, there you are, dragging your patooty through one gray day after another, wondering where your brain went, why your body aches and if you'll ever feel good again. Even if your doctor...

Cat Life – Are Cats Social Animals?

Cats are often seen as the opposite to dogs in many respects – dogs are pack animals that need interaction with others of their kind or human substitutes. Cats are seen as aloof...