Category: Health

Who Should Pay For Our Health Care?

The debate goes on, should the government be responsible for providing our health care? There are many arguments for and against national healthcare. At one time, everyone was responsible for their own health,...

Senior Fitness Programs

Individuals of all age groups follow fitness programs. The younger generation follows them to maintain and develop health. However, even older people are making sure that they are not left behind. Doctors and...

Fibromyalgia Program

Up until a few years ago fibromyalgia was not even considered a medical disease. It fell under the "it's all in your head" category. Thankfully, such things as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia...

The Importance of Electronic Health Records

The advent of healthcare IT in the health industry has ensured that prior health technologies such as paper records are outdated. The health reforms have added to the importance of healthcare software. Technology...